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Cape Cod Product Pictures

Secondary School - Putten - Netherlands | Profile: Eurochannel.  Colours: RAL 2010, 2011, 3003, 4004 & 4007
Cape Cod Cladding - Secondary School - Putten - Netherlands | Profile: Eurochannel. Colours: RAL 2010, 2011, 3003, 4004 & 4007
Olympic Training Centre - Arnhem - Netherlands | Profile: Bevel & Eurochannel.  Colours: RAL 6009 and 3 shades of Cape Cod Sandalwood
Cape Cod Cladding - Olympic Training Centre - Arnhem - Netherlands | Profile: Bevel & Eurochannel. Colours: RAL 6009 and 3 shades of Cape Cod Sandalwood
Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Cape Cod Cladding - Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Cape Cod Cladding - Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Cape Cod Cladding - Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Cape Cod Cladding - Bespoke Tri-Colour combination boarding
Cape Cod Cladding - Batten on Board style – Mustard Yellow - Newport University
Cape Cod Cladding - Batten on Board style – Mustard Yellow - Newport University
Cape Cod Cladding - Batten on Board style – Mustard Yellow - Newport University
Cape Cod Cladding - Batten on Board style – Mustard Yellow - Newport University
Cape Cod Cladding - Project - Cheetah Marine, Colour Ocean Blue and White, Profile: Shiplap
Cape Cod Cladding - Project - Cheetah Marine, Colour Ocean Blue and White, Profile: Shiplap
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding. 3 Grey Colour House. Profile: ex 150mm Euro Channel. Colours: Sikkens F6.03.20, F6.05.40 & F6.05.30.
Cape Cod Cladding. 3 Grey Colour House. Profile: ex 150mm Euro Channel. Colours: Sikkens F6.03.20, F6.05.40 & F6.05.30.
Cape Cod Cladding. 3 Grey Colour House. Profile: ex 150mm Euro Channel. Colours: Sikkens F6.03.20, F6.05.40 & F6.05.30.
Cape Cod Cladding. 3 Grey Colour House. Profile: ex 150mm Euro Channel. Colours: Sikkens F6.03.20, F6.05.40 & F6.05.30.
Cape Cod Cladding. 3 Grey Colour House. Profile: ex 150mm Euro Channel. Colours: Sikkens F6.03.20, F6.05.40 & F6.05.30.
Cape Cod Cladding. 3 Grey Colour House. Profile: ex 150mm Euro Channel. Colours: Sikkens F6.03.20, F6.05.40 & F6.05.30.
Cape Cod Cladding. Location: Talland Bay, Cornwall. Architect: Jeremy Bradley of JFB Architecture
Cape Cod Cladding. Location: Talland Bay, Cornwall. Architect: Jeremy Bradley of JFB Architecture
Cape Cod Cladding. Location: Talland Bay, Cornwall. Architect: Jeremy Bradley of JFB Architecture
Cape Cod Cladding. Location: Talland Bay, Cornwall. Architect: Jeremy Bradley of JFB Architecture
Cape Cod Cladding. Location: Talland Bay, Cornwall. Architect: Jeremy Bradley of JFB Architecture
Cape Cod Cladding. Location: Talland Bay, Cornwall. Architect: Jeremy Bradley of JFB Architecture
Cape Cod Tri-Colour Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Tri-Colour Cladding
Chesapeake Blue, Vanilla. Profile Rebated Bevel, Leybourne Lakes, Maidstone
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Tri-Colour Cladding
Chesapeake Blue, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Cladding - Chesapeake Blue, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Grey, Chesapeake Blue - Richmond Villages, Northampton
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Grey, Chesapeake Blue - Richmond Villages, Northampton
Cape Cod Grey, Arboretum Green, rebate bevel, Richmond Villages, Northampton
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Grey, Arboretum Green, rebate bevel, Richmond Villages, Northampton
Indian Corn, Arboretum Green, rebated bevel. Leybourne Lakes, Maidstone
Cape Cod Cladding - Indian Corn, Arboretum Green, rebated bevel. Leybourne Lakes, Maidstone
Indian Corn, Driftwood Grey, rebated bevel, Leybourne Lakes, Maidstone
Cape Cod Cladding - Indian Corn, Driftwood Grey, rebated bevel, Leybourne Lakes, Maidstone
Arboretum Green, rebated bevel, Leybourne Lakes, Maidstone
Cape Cod Cladding - Indian Corn, Driftwood Grey, rebated bevel, Leybourne Lakes, Maidstone
Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel, Kent
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel, Kent
Cape Cod White, rebated bevel, Kent
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel, Kent
Cape Cod White, rebated bevel, Kent
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel, Kent
Cape Cod Black & 1pce Corner, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Black & 1pce Corner, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Cladding - Cape Cod Black, rebated bevel
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding complete with 15 year warranty
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding
We decided to use Cape Cod pre finished boarding to clad our green oak framed house, we also used this boarding upside down as a ceiling finish in all of our full height internal space. The house was completed in 2002 and the Cape Cod boarding was fitted during 2001. Some four years later the cladding still looks as good as new and shows no sign of needing repainting, it looks as if it will be years before refinishing is necessary unless we get fed up with the colour.! For both appearance, durability and environmental sustainability we would highly recommend this particular product. Alec and Steph Wilson.
Cape Cod Cladding
Black Cape Cod performs well after 7 years. In the heart of the Worcestershire countryside
the black painted Cape Cod looks as good as the day it was installed.
Cape Cod Cladding
Black Cape Cod performs well after 7 years. In the heart of the Worcestershire countryside
the black painted Cape Cod looks as good as the day it was installed.
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding - Ideal Home exhibition house. Cape Cod Cladding sponsored by Vincent Timber and Cape Cod – Canada.
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding - Site: Bristol, Profile: Euro Channel, Colours - Arboretum Green & Adobe Sand
Cape Cod Cladding
Cape Cod Cladding - Site: Bristol, Profile: Euro Channel, Colours - Arboretum Green